Ruth and Esther

Day 11- Esther 1:1-9

Day 11 – Esther 1:1-9 Opening Prayer: Father, open my eyes to the divine appointments in my own life. Give me the faith to trust you when I don’t understand…

Day 10- Ruth 4:7-22

Day 10 – Ruth 4:7-22 Opening Prayer: Abba, thank You for being my guardian redeemer and rescuing me from spiritual poverty. Thank you for covering me with Your garment and…

Day 9- Ruth 4:1-6

Day 9 – Ruth 4:1-6 Opening Prayer: LORD, You also went to great lengths to redeem Your bride. Like Boaz, You are devoted, loving and faithful to fulfill your promises!…

Day 8- Ruth 3:10-18

Day 8 – Ruth 3:10-18 Opening Prayer: Father, may I be as bold as Ruth when it comes to prayer and receive Your blessing as Your precious, beloved daughter. Read:…

Day 7- Ruth 3:1-9

Day 7 – Ruth 3:1-9 Opening Prayer: Father, may I always seek Your covering and remain at Your feet in close communion with You. Read: Ruth 3:1-9 In your 4R…

Day 6- Ruth 2:14-23

Day 6 – Ruth 2:14-23 Opening Prayer: Abba, Father, may I be satisfied with You as I eat the bread of life and drink Your living water.  Read: Ruth 2:14-23…

Day 5- Ruth 2:1-13

Day 5 – Ruth 2:1-13 Opening Prayer: Father, help me to see the things that “just so happen” as providential. You are always working in the lives of your children!…

Day 4- Ruth 1:14-22

Day 4 – Ruth 1:14-22  Opening Prayer: Father, make me a loyal follower of Christ. Give me the same heart for Jesus that Ruth had for Naomi. Read: Ruth 1:14-22…

Day 3- Ruth 1:6-13

Day 3 – Ruth 1:6-13 Opening Prayer: Father, when I am grief-stricken, teach me to return to you. Thank you for making a way, even in our darkest days. Read:…

Day 2- Ruth 1:1-5

Day 2- Ruth 1:1-5 Opening Prayer: Father, help us to see your hand in suffering as we read about Naomi’s loss.  Read: Ruth 1:1-5 In your 4R journal: Record: After…

Day 1- Ruth 1-4

Day 1 – Ruth 1-4 Opening Prayer: Lord, please bless my time in Your Word today. Reveal Your truth and draw me closer to You. Are you ready for an…