Poetry and Prayers

Week Three Readings

It’s almost time for Week Three, dear fellow study-ers of the Word. This is “transition week” as we leave the Old Testament and learn new lessons in the New Testament.…

June 12. Psalm 51

June 12. Psalm 51 David had broken some very big commandments. He’d lied. He’d committed adultery. He’d murdered. It doesn’t get much worse than that, does it? He had lived…

June 11. Psalm 23

June 11. Psalm 23 I have a story to share today. I have always loved Psalm 23. It was the first psalm I memorized as a very small child. All…

June 10. Psalm 8

June 10. Psalm 8 Psalm 1 was instructive. It taught us where to plant ourselves and what activities to pursue. Psalm 8 is worship. We are instructed as we read…

June 9. Psalm 1

June 9. Psalm 1 The very first psalm in the 150-psalm collection known as Psalms. It’s a short little psalm. Only six verses. Oh, but it holds a lot of…

June 8. Job 38

June 8. Job 38 Let’s quickly recap poor Job’s life. He was a great guy. Pretty wealthy, with great kids who all seemed to get along and liked to even…

June 7. Nehemiah 1

June 7. Nehemiah 1 Nehemiah is one of my very favorite Bible characters. He was an amazing prayer warrior. He was an excellent planner and leader. He kept going in…

Week Two Introduction Video

You DID it! You are through the first week of this sweet study. What a rich and hopeful time we’ve had in God’s good Word. Here’s a short little video…

June 6. I Kings 8:22-53

June 6. I Kings 8:22-53 We heard the prayers of a simple woman yesterday, and today we hear the prayers of a king. In fact, we hear the prayer of…

June 5. I Samuel 1:1-2:11

June 5. I Samuel 1:1-2:11 What a fascinating portion of scripture we read today! First of all, doesn’t your heart just go out to Hannah? She is repeatedly bruised by…

June 4. Deuteronomy 33

June 4. Deuteronomy 33 We move in time from the triumph of the rescue from Egypt to forty years later and Moses’ last words to the Israelites. These same people…