John Love Study

Last Video with Announcements Included

Hello friends, What a wonderful study this has been! Thanks for your comments and emails as you studied along with me. I love digging into God’s Word with you. Enjoy…

February 28. Revelation 22

Week Four John Son of Thunder Apostle of Love February 28. Revelation 22 Well, our month long study ends today with the last chapter in the last book in the…

February 27. Revelation 1

Week Four John Son of Thunder Apostle of Love SPECIAL NOTE: There was a mistake on the original list of readings. Tomorrow’s reading for February 28 is Revelation 22. We…

February 26. 3 John

Week Four. John Son of Thunder Apostle of Love February 26. 3 John John pens another short little note that we have preserved for us as 3 John. And, in…

What’s Next

Well friend, This online study is almost over. One of the Big Goals of an online Bible Study is to get you SO excited about spending time daily with the…

February 25. 2 John

Week Four. John Son of Thunder Apostle of Love February 25. 2 John This short little letter was perhaps written quickly because John had heard that his beloved churches were…

February 24. 1 John 5:13-21

Week Four. John Son of Thunder Apostle of Love February 24. 1 John 5:13-21 We are finishing up John’s first letter to the churches in his area today. It’s clear…

Online Study Donations Thank You

Hello dear John Study ladies! THANK YOU. So many of you have kindly sent money via our website and/or by old-fashioned mail to help fund this study. You have helped…

February 23. 1 John 5:1-12

Week Four. John Son of Thunder Apostle of Love February 23. 1 John 5:1-12 John continues to be a “son of thunder” as well as “apostle of love” in this…

February 22. 1 John 4:7-21

Week Four – John. Son of Thunder, Apostle of Love February 22. 1 John 4:7-21 Oh I am so happy to get to this section of John’s letter because it…

Week Four Video Chat

Can you believe this is our last week? Let’s get ready for it together. Pour yourself a cuppa and have a listen, friend. [smartvideo src=”″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ responsive=true controls=true]  

February 21. 1 John 4:1-6

February 21. 1 John 4:1-6 A blessed Lord’s Day to you! Be sure to watch for a video posted later on today, introducing our last and final week of our…