Get Smart

June 6 Notes

June 6. Proverbs 9 Good morning, friends! Today we move ahead to chapter 9. I felt very convicted by one verse in particular as I read, so I chose that…

June 5 Notes

June 5. Proverbs 6 We’ve skipped ahead a couple of chapters, today. How are you doing? Has it become a happy habit to reach for your Bible and journal and…

June 4 Notes

June 4. Proverbs 3 Welcome back for our second day studying Proverbs. I wish I didn’t have to skip ANY chapters, but in order to also take a peek at…

June 3 Notes

June 3. Proverbs 1 Hello everyone, we spent the weekend looking at Solomon’s start in life. Now, we are going to start examining some of his sayings in Proverbs. He…

June 2 Notes

June 2. 1 Kings 1:24-53 Happy Sunday, dear ones!  We’ve moved rather quickly from Solomon’s birth to his accession to the throne. There is nothing written about him as a…

June 1 Notes

June 1. 2 Samuel 12:1-25 Today, we read about Solomon’s inauspicious beginnings. He was born to a couple that had created a huge scandal in Israel. His older brother did…

GET SMART – Week One

Hello friends,  It’s time to get started. Do you have your journal ready? A pen? Your Bible? That is ALL you need except for one more critical ingredient: Prayer. Each…

Get Smart Study

  Welcome, friends! I am super excited about this study, because Solomon has always intrigued me. He was so smart as a young man, asking God for HIS wisdom to…