Dear fellow student of God’s Word,

We hope this study is blessing you and drawing you ever closer to the Lord Jesus! We are so glad we can offer these studies for all who wish to learn. It’s a great and deep joy to do so. However, it costs us to produce these studies. We pay for the website. We pay for the photos. We pay for the camera that helps us get a clear picture for the videos. Can you help us continue to give these studies for free? If every person who joined could donate just $10, it would easily defray our costs. If you can, please donate on our secure donation site: It’s easily found by clicking on the Donations tab on the website as well. You will also see how to mail a check if you would rather donate that way. If you truly can’t afford this, do not worry about it for a minute. That is why these studies are freely offered. So that no one is excluded. Would you please stop and pray, though, that God will continue to provide for this ministry? That would be a true blessing and gift as well.                                                           With love and gratitude, The Sweet Selah Team

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Seeking Jesus Day Fifteen – Mark 8:1-21
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Seeking Jesus Day Fourteen – Mark 7:24-37