He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God
Micah 6:8 NKJV

I feel very confused these days. Opinions, facts, and statistics rain down relentlessly from social media and news outlets. They don’t agree with each other and sometimes the same news service shares contradictory information just days apart. I want to get it right. How isolated should I stay during this pandemic? How do I best love my black brothers and sisters? How on earth do I sort through politics and politicians when I find reasons to doubt them all? Yeah. If I look at this world and its multiple problems from a human perspective … I’m sunk.

So I turn to God’s unchanging Word for solace and I read and I pray. Join me today and cry out with me to the only One with all the answers.

Oh, Lord God, You have shown us what is good right here in Your Word. Your requirements are clear. Help me to hear You and follow You in this good path outlined in Micah 6:8.

To Do Justly – Lord, You tell us throughout Scripture that You hate injustice. You notice those who are hurt and treated unfairly. Your heart aches when You see abused children, innocent men and women imprisoned, Your own dear ones taunted and rejected for their faith. How many individuals down through the centuries, Lord, have cried out to You for justice? And You see every single one. You note every tear that falls. You see. You care. And You tell me to see and care too. Help me to do justly in my personal dealings with others. Help me to sort through what I read and hold on to what is just and true and right. Help me to speak out when I see injustice, yet with kindness on my tongue, knowing that I too can be prone to self-centeredness in my dealings with others. Forgive me when I have seen injustice and have not been moved. Forgive me when I look the other way when I see the man injured and robbed lying in the ditch instead of being the Samaritan who binds up his wounds. Show me how, Lord, in my little town, with my little strength, to do justly—right where I am.

To Love Mercy – Father God, You tell me to love mercy. Not just like it a little. I am to love mercy, and I am sure that means to be merciful in all my dealings with others. Help me to forgive quickly and to remember how much You have forgiven me. Help me to actively show kindness to the awkward ones, the broken ones, the ignored ones. When it’s in my power to help carry a burden too heavy for another to bear, show me how to help. When I have but little to bring, Lord, help me to bring it anyway. Show me the small ways I can show mercy and kindness to others throughout my days and weeks right where I am. Keep me from revenge and bitterness and malice, Lord. Give me Your agape love for others. Forgive me when I cling to my own rights and look not to the rights of others. Forgive me when I am callous and apathetic about the needs of my neighbors. Help me to care. Help me to act mercifully. Help me to do all that You require. I want to hear You, Lord, and follow Your leading each day.

To Walk Humbly – Lord, as I puzzle out how I can do justly and love mercy in these confusing times, I see so clearly why I need to walk humbly with You, my God. I am not smart enough. That’s the bottom line. I am not clever enough to sort through all that I read and come up with the perfect solution to poverty, immigration, race relations, or COVID-19. I am just little me. But You have shown me what I can do. Forgive me when I choose pride and self-interest above humility. You, Lord Jesus, “did not consider equality something to be grasped, but emptied Yourself” (from Philippians 2:6-7). For us. If You, who are King of kings, could stoop and wash the dirty feet of Your followers, then I should be more than willing to do the humble things. Help me stay close to You, Lord. I need You every day and every hour to prompt my spirit by Your Spirit within in order to know how to act toward others and how to please You. I am so thankful that You offer me forgiveness and mercy! I am so thankful that You will be the final, perfect Judge, and we can entrust ourselves to You.

And so I do, Lord. I give myself to You and ask You to help me to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with You, my God, who deigns to walk with me. Amazing Grace! In Jesus Name, Amen.

You are loved,



Sweet Selah Ministries

To inspire a movement away from the belief that “busy is better”
and toward the truth of God’s Word that stillness and knowing
Him matter most—and will be reflected in more effective work and service

To offer biblical resources and retreats that help women pause (Selah)
and love God more deeply as they know Him more intimately (Sweet)

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