Dear friend,  I hope you are enjoying and growing through this online Bible Study. I love digging into the Word with you, and I hope that this helps you to establish and/or maintain a lifelong habit of meeting with God each day. That’s our goal and purpose here at Sweet Selah Ministries. It’s our joy to offer these studies at absolutely no cost to whoever wishes to come and learn.

However, it does take money to keep a ministry running. Our website costs, paying appropriately for each picture we use costs, and putting out materials and giving away gifts to encourage women to study the Word costs. It’s a cost we gladly take on. It’s what we are all about, after all.

If you want to be a part of blessing others through this ministry, would you consider donating? Just like the snowfall in this picture, each snowflake might seem insignificant in its power to coat the landscape white, but together? Well, a pretty formidable layer of white fluffy snow can result from the cumulative effect. If we all give a little, then this ministry can keep giving a lot to all who need it.

We know not everyone can afford to give. We also know that many of you give generously to many worthy ministries. So. Don’t feel guilty if you are not feeling led to give at this time. But if you want to be part of the snowflake crew and shower us a bit … you can do so by going to our donations page. Whether you give or not, we are so very glad you joined us for this study! We hope the blessings linger long after the study is done.

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Day Sixteen
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I Can’t Do It All … But What Can I Do?