October 21 – Revelation 2:1-7

Dear Lord God, we come before You in worship and praise, for you are the orchestrator of Your creation.  Be with us as we spend time with You, and guide us to what You want to show us.

This message to the church at Ephesus cuts right to the heart, doesn’t it? The Christians there were commended for their hard work and patient endurance. They also were careful to test what people said, and if what they said went against the truth about God, they had nothing to do with them. They kept the belief in Jeus’ death and resurrection and salvation intact – not swayed by heresies. We learn from this that we also are to work hard, to contend for faith in Jesus’ salvation, and to patiently endure hard things. Why do we always expect things to be easy? The Bible surely doesn’t set us up for “easy,” does it? We get a rich, full, powerful life based on truth and leading to Heaven … but we do not get an easy and comfy life necessarily.

The complaint lodged against this church strikes a chord, too. They no longer love like they used to. Their love for God has become less intense, and so has their love for others. Oh boy. I can relate. There are days when my love wanes as well. When I don’t “feel” like being loving toward others and where I want to focus on my own selfish self. When this happens, I need to look at how I have fallen and repent, just as Jesus told the Church at Ephesus, and return to my first strong love for Him, which then leads to love for others.

And the reward? Fruit from the tree of life in paradise. I wonder what it will taste like?!! I wonder what amazing JOY we will feel when we are there, actually seeing the Tree of Life! Someday, friend, we will find out together.

My verse: Revelation 2:3, “You have patiently suffered with me without quitting.”

My response: Thank You, Lord, for the repeated calls for patience. For reminders to endure and not quit. I love that You know our frailty and our abhorrence of hard things. Help me to remember I am not alone when life feels hard. You are with me, You warned and forearmed me, and You will lead me home to You someday.

What’s next?

As the Spirit leads, share what He has laid on your heart in the comment section below.  Then join us again tomorrow for the next commentary.

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October 22 – Revelation 2:8-11
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