Dear Lord God, we come before You in worship and praise, for You are the orchestrator of Your creation.  Be with us as we spend time with You, and guide us to what You want to show us.

Our John was one of three who witnessed the raising of a dead child. And now, he’s been invited by Jesus to climb a mountain and pray with Him. What was John thinking as he and the others climbed high, leaving the other disciples and followers behind? Again, the only words spoken were by Peter. John’s thoughts are not recorded, but his terror was! This was John’s first introduction to the spiritual world that is more real than this one – but that remains mostly invisible to human eyes. It won’t be his last. John heard the voice of God on that mountain. John saw two men who had left Earth centuries ago alive and well. He saw and heard impossible things. His faith must have been strengthened and confirmed as He witnessed the spiritual world with his own two eyes and ears. Wow and wow. That encounter would be pivotal in his faith, I am sure, all his life.

My verse: “Then a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my Son, my Chosen One. Listen to him.’” Luke 9:35

My response: Father God, I can’t imagine the awe and terror of hearing Your very voice speaking and commanding John, James, and Peter. I believe that command applies to me, your daughter, as well. I am to “listen to Him.” Help me hear, listen, and obey today! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What’s next?

As the Spirit leads, share what He has laid on your heart in the comment section below.  Then join us again tomorrow for the next commentary.

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October 4 – Luke 9:46-55
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October 2 – Luke 8:40-55