Last Day of the Study … Questions and Thoughts


Last Day of our Study. It’s been wonderful studying and pondering and learning with all of you this month! Meditating on God’s Word and then sharing the insights He gives us is so, so RICH! Thank you to all who shared. You blessed us all.

Last Questions before July Rest Month: What did you gain from this study? And/or … what’s next for you? What devotional book are you going to use, or what book of the Bible are you diving into next? Let’s share so we all can pray for each other to keep up the beautiful, steady habit of time with God each and every day …

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Sharon Gamble
    June 29, 2024 4:32 pm

    I loved the simple two words repeated every day, But God. Because … I was reminded over and over that nothing is hopeless, nothing is beyond fixing, because God, in His sovereignty, can intervene as He knows is best. And I can rest in that. Thank you, Melissa, for giving us such rich food from the Word to ponder this month. It was wonderful!


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