Are you getting ready for the start of our study? Here’s the method we use. We start with REQUEST. We ask God to help us understand and focus on the day’s reading. Then we READ the Bible passage that was assigned. On our second read-through, we RECORD a verse that we particularly liked in a journal. Writing the verse down helps us remember it and think about it more. Then, we RESPOND to God about the verse in a short prayer. You will see an example on Day One, when I model that method in the comments.

Only after we’ve met with God, do we read Marlene’s wonderful commentary. God comes first and His Word comes first. Then, we enjoy Marlene’s thoughts and insights. Then, we write our own comments if we choose, sharing our verse and what God showed us. Let’s share together as we study this month.


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December 1st – Matthew 1:1-17
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