December 5. Day Nine


December 5 – Romans 4:18-25

 Faith. We go back in time to one of the greatest faith-believing men of all time: Abraham. Paul truly honors him in this passage, today. Abraham’s faith never ceases to astound me. He waited decades for the fulfillment of the promise that he would have a son who would be the father of an entire nation. He even held on to faith and walked out the impossible command to offer his one and only son as a sacrifice. Yes, there were moments of weakness in Abraham’s life, just like there are in every human’s, but wow. He believed the impossible and as he waited and waited and waited some more … his faith grew even stronger that God was able to do what He had said. And God did. May God give us that kind of faith that trusts in the dark, knowing light will come!

My verse: Romans 4:23b-24 “ … It was recorded for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will also count us as righteous if we believe in Him, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.”

My response: So thankful, Lord! You know how weak we are. You don’t ask us all to climb Mount Everest. You ask us to simply have faith in You. Trusting You to do the climbing. The saving. And You do! Lord, increase my faith please.

5 Minute Selah Moment – read our Monday’s Musings.

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