LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week Three

Day Twenty-one. January 30. Galatians 6:11-18

Well here we are at the end of our 21-day challenge. Were you able to do this hard thing? If yes, then please write me at First ten to write and send a picture of your journal – just a page or two will suffice. I trust you. – will receive a very nice handmade gift as a celebration of your 21 sweet days with the Lord. All who write and send a picture will receive a gift, though. Every single one of you. We can’t think of anything worth celebrating more.

If you haven’t been able to do 21 days in a row, don’t you dare start beating yourself up. This has been a study on grace. You are saved simply because you turned to the God who loves you and received His grace and forgiveness. You didn’t earn it and you don’t have to earn His love now. You have it. You are His child. This was a way to help you develop a habit. Don’t let the accuser of your soul turn it into a tool of condemnation. This would be terrible. Keep training and stretching toward a consistent daily time with God, friend. We hope this has at least helped you want to spend time with Him each and every day!

Paul ends this letter with a final plea for the believers in Galatia to stick with the true gospel that states that Jesus through His death on the cross saves. Christ alone. He prays blessing over these people for whom he has labored long and hard. God’s peace and mercy be upon you, Paul says in blessing, and may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. What a beautiful way to end this pleading letter to the believers in the region of Galatia!

Come back tomorrow for one last day of study together. I’ll be asking what new study you have chosen for the days ahead. So … have you chosen what book of the Bible to study next? If you follow our podcast, Ephesians is up next! You can tune in to The Sweet Selah Moments Podcast on your favorite app or over at our website and listen in to a new Bible Study starting Tuesday, February 15th. So … if you don’t have a plan, why don’t you start reading Ephesians in preparation for that? Just a wee suggestion. See you tomorrow for one last chat.


My verse: Galatians 6:15 “It doesn’t matter whether we have been circumcised or not. What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation.”

My response: Father, help me to focus on what counts – what matters. Am I living a life directed by You? Am I walking as Jesus walked … doing Your will … not my own? Help me not to slip back into the obey the rules and a “look good” mentality. Transform me from within, Lord. I want Your goodness pouring forth from inside of me.

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