
 The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. —1 Corinthians 12:12 NLT

It’s a Wednesday night in June, and I’m busily preparing for surgery on Friday. Meatballs and sausages are baking so I can make spaghetti sauce tomorrow and have it ready for easy meals. It will be poured into containers and frozen next to the beef stew and the chicken soup already residing in the freezer. Bella, our pup, still wet from her bath, leaves in the morning to stay at a friend’s home while I recover. I’ve emailed various groups of friends to keep them updated on what’s happening, and several have volunteered to be the ones to relay updates to others after the surgery. Our daughter’s number is on speed dial to help her father with calls to family.

As I work, I’m interrupted by friends asking how they can help. Can they bring a meal? Where do we like to eat so they can order takeout for us? Will Ray need help with homecare? A friend with homecare experience stands at the ready. Another friend drops off gifts she thinks will be helpful to me as I recover. Still another stops by with DVDs for us to watch and books to read.

I am overwhelmed. How am I so blessed to have this kind of support?

Without exception, what these dear ones have in common is their love for Christ. Most of them are members of my church. This is not to say that my neighbors would not have offered to help. I have good neighbors, too. However, I haven’t even needed to ask them. In fact, I haven’t really asked anyone much at all. My Christian family has simply offered. I’m more comfortable on the giving end of things, so this receiving feels strange …

And wonderful. And humbling.

God made us interdependent on one another. That was His plan from the start for His church. Interdependent is “being mutually reliant on each other” (from Sometimes I’m the giver, and sometimes I’m the receiver. Right now, I’m receiving. My friends with the gift of prayer are writing to let me know they’ll be praying all day on the day of my surgery. They actually, really will be. My friends with the gift of helps are offering to serve in a myriad of ways that are helpful. My friends with the gift of encouragement are sending notes and words of affirmation and kindness. The body of Christ is blessing my socks off!

How thankful I am to belong to God’s family! I have a pretty wonderful birth family, too. They are also pitching in with meals and prayers and calls and love, but the sweetness of being linked to a church and fellowship is that the load is lightened for everyone. It’s very possible that in the middle of a crisis, a member or two of my own family might be dealing with emergencies of their own and unable to help me. Yet, being linked to a larger body of believers means that God can tap the shoulders of His choice ones for the “take care of Sharon” brigade. No one has to do it all. Some don’t have to do anything at all. God chooses a few, and they reach out and offer their help with joy. I don’t have to wheedle or plead. I just have to be a part of a body of believers who know me. They do life with me and so they know when I’m having surgery. They’re family.

If I were not a member of a church, there’s a good possibility that in extreme need, a church would reach out to me anyway. That’s what we are called to do. Sometimes we give and serve ones who will not be able to return the favor. We do it for the love of Christ, and we do it for the joy of pointing someone to Him. However, when we are known and part of a body of believers, sometimes we don’t even have to ask. At least, in this case, I didn’t. They are just showing up. Ray and I are so grateful that the load of caring for me is not all on his shoulders. The burden is light.

I am not alone. God is always with me … and tonight? Tonight He’s revealing Himself through His people. I cannot say this strongly enough: Even if you’ve been hurt in the past by a church, don’t give up on fellowship. Try again. We were meant to be the body of Christ, serving one another. Go to church. Serve. Love. Forgive. Repeat. And then, someday in a time of need, your mouth will be wide open in awe as you see how God loves you through the body of Christ—like my mouth has been tonight.

Dear Father, thank You for the bounty of help I am receiving right now. Thank You for people who are willingly being Your arms and feet, caring for me, and encouraging me. I love belonging to You, Lord! I love how that gives me instant brothers and sisters in Christ. Bless Your church, Father God! Call us back to unity and love whenever we stray. Let us be known by the way we love one another … and You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Note: Sharon wrote this in June right before her surgery. We are happy to report that she’s had a full recovery and remains amazed by the many helping hands along the way.

You are loved,




Sweet Selah Ministries

To inspire a movement away from the belief that “busy is better”
and toward the truth of God’s Word that stillness and knowing
Him matter most—and will be reflected in more effective work and service

To offer biblical resources and retreats that help women pause (Selah)
and love God more deeply as they know Him more intimately (Sweet)

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Margaret Fowler
    August 23, 2021 5:32 pm

    Praise the Lord for all those helping hands and a wonderful message. Thank you.

    • Sharon Gamble
      August 23, 2021 6:49 pm

      I felt SO blessed! I didn’t even ask … people just wanted to be kind and help. Very humbling and sweet.

  • Chelli tennis
    August 26, 2021 10:28 pm

    Praise God for the body of believers the Lord puts in our path to help in our times of need.
    Thank you for sharing! Love you.

    • Sharon Gamble
      August 26, 2021 10:32 pm

      Love you back, Chelli. And yes! You know well the blessings of Christian brothers and sisters. Praise God indeed!


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