June 24.  Romans 8

Paul’s letter to the Romans is one of the most theologically rich chapters of the Bible. Romans 8 in my Bible has SO many highlighted verses! It’s rich with encouragement and truth. It starts out with a huge reassurance that there is no condemnation for those who belong to Jesus. I can’t tell you the number of times this has helped me recognize an attack from the enemy of our souls, Satan. When I start feeling condemned and hopeless and beyond redemption, this verse reminds me that there is no condemnation for me. It’s the enemy making me feel that way. I can recite the verse and feel the burden lift. Paul goes on to remind us of what God did for us by sending His Son and ending sin’s control over us. What an amazing unpacking of the gospel Paul does in this chapter!

Paul also reminds us to keep an eternal perspective. We might suffer here on earth, but we are going to live forever in Heaven, and all will be SO well that our suffering will seem light compared to the glory awaiting us. What a reassurance! I am reassured that suffering is normal. I have not necessarily done anything wrong. Even creation groans here on earth where sin is rampant. I am reassured that there is more life ahead of me after I pass away from this life on earth to the life God has waiting for me in Heaven.

We end with a glorious and thorough summing up of how great and persistent and thorough and unrelenting God’s love is for us. Paul lists every conceivable circumstance that we might think could rob us of God’s love and then tells us that even that will not separate us from His love. Nothing in all creation has that kind of power. Our God holds us that fast and loves us that permanently. It’s a marvelous section of scripture to memorize and nestle into, isn’t it? I can’t wait to read which verse you chose. I bet it was hard to choose just one!

My verse: Romans 8:11 “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.”

My response: The startling truths in these verses change the mundaneness of life into sparkle and shimmer. The powerful Holy Spirit lives in me and in every believer. That much power IN ME. I am not alone. And I am not helpless. I have God in me, helping me. And then? I will not die. I will step out of one body, someday, into a resurrected new body. Death has lost its sting. I live as an immortal. Thanks be to You, my God and Savior and Lover of my soul!

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Candie Remick
    June 24, 2021 2:07 pm

    My verse is 39 NLT
    No power in the sky above or in the earth below-indeed,
    nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from
    the love of God that is revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord.
    Wow! How awesome it is to know that those of us who believe
    and have put our faith and trust in our Savior, Jesus Christ
    will never be separated from and will always be loved
    by God!! Thank you, Father for your unending love.
    In Jesus name. Amen

    • Sharon Gamble
      June 24, 2021 2:14 pm

      We are SO blessed to be loved with an “unending love.” Romans 8 is one of my very favorite chapters and the verse you chose? One of my very favorite verses, Candie.


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