June 23. John 17

One of the most stunning prayers in the Bible is this one, where Jesus prays for you and me. John 17:20 unfolds this amazing part of Jesus’ prayer: “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.” The disciples spread the good news far and wide and then those that heard it from them spread it and so on and so forth until you and I are hearing it in the 21st century. And way back then, Jesus prayed for us. Wow.

It’s a beautiful prayer and gives us such insight into Jesus’ heart for all of us. I love that it’s long because the Lord’s Prayer was short. What that tells me, is that it’s okay to pray quite differently at different times. We can be simple and quick, and God will hear us. We can nestle in for a long talk time with God and God will hear us. Prayer truly is a conversation between us and the One who made us and who gave us the right to be called His children if we believe in Him and ask to be His. Unlike earthly fathers who are often busy, tired, preoccupied, and uninterested in our little details, God is always ready to listen and tells us repeatedly to come to Him. Jesus did. He poured out His heart to the Father, and He listened to the Father.

I love that He prayed for our protection. I love that His heart is for us to be loving and united in our love for Him. I love that He wants us to know deep, deep down that we are loved by Him. I love that He wants us with Him—that’s how much He loves us! His love is in us and His love surrounds us. We are truly a blessed people with a glorious inheritance.

My verse: John 17:3 “And this is the way to eternal life—to know you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.”

My response: Father, this is the desire of my heart! To help women “take time to Know You and love You more and more.” It’s the way to eternal life, Jesus declares, this knowing You, the one true God and knowing Jesus. Help us, Lord, to never tire of time spent with You in Your Word knowing You better and loving You more!!

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