June 16. Isaiah 55

Isaiah had a special calling from God to speak to God’s people about their lack of love and devotion to Him. When Isaiah wrote, the Kingdom of Israel had already been conquered and it looked like the Kingdom of Judah was going to fall to the same fate unless its people turned back to the God who loved them. There are some dark chapters in this book, as Isaiah proclaims judgment on Judah for its rebellion against God. Church tradition tells us that Isaiah’s message was not appreciated and that he is the one referred to in Hebrews 11:37, as one who was “sawed in half” as punishment for speaking out against those who lived wickedly, hurting so many others. So, Isaiah spoke out at great cost what God spoke into him to say.

Isaiah turns from the bleakness of lives lived far from the good life God laid out for them to prophecies of the Messiah in chapters 49-53. Some of the most amazing prophecies in the entire Bible are found here, as God allowed Isaiah to see ahead of time Jesus’ coming and His death and resurrection. Isaiah tells us clearly that salvation is coming, despite the stubbornness of God’s people. I hope this was a comfort to him if he really was eventually sawed in half! Did he grasp that his death would not be the end of his story? I hope so.

When we get to our chapter, Isaiah is focused on God’s love for all people and His rich invitation to come to Him and receive welcome and nourishment and God’s patient and enduring love. It’s an amazing testament to the infinite patience of God, who had spelled out how to live right and then watched His people mess up over and over again, refusing what was good and choosing what would only hurt them. I can’t wait to hear what verse you chose, friend. They are all so rich with blessing and meaning!

My verse: Isaiah 55:3 “Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life. I will make an everlasting covenant with you. I will give you all the unfailing love I promised to David.”

My response: Lord, give me ears that are wide open, eager to hear You speak. Help me to listen and follow the path that leads to abundant life. Thank You for an everlasting, unfailing love that has me resting secure and so so grateful this morning …

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Candie Remick
    June 16, 2021 11:12 pm

    My verse is 9 in the NLT
    For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so My ways are higher than your ways and My
    thoughts higher than your thoughts.
    Dear Father, thank you for this reminder of Your
    greatness!! May I never boast, because all I have is
    from You and it is only by Your grace that I came
    to salvation. Keep me humble Lord. I pray all that
    I do and say reflects you and brings You honor and
    praise. In Jesus’ name. Amen

    • Sharon Gamble
      June 16, 2021 11:26 pm

      It’s all grace. Amen!! Hard to comprehend the depth and breadth of God, who died for us before we even knew Him. Oh, how He loves us!!


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