June 13. Psalm 63

This Psalm. It’s one of my personal favorites. I love that we are introduced to it with an explanation of when David wrote it. David wrote it not from a lush palace or even a happy field full of fluffy sheep. He wrote it in the wilderness of Judah. Charles Swindoll describes it like this: “Deep ravines slice through the landscape. Rocky terrain hinders smooth and quick travel. Barren slopes with scant vegetation warn those seeking life. … the wilderness of Judah has been virtually unchanged for thousands of years.” David was in a desolate place when he wrote this psalm. A place where finding water and food would be incredibly difficult.

I have had my own wilderness times, when everything felt hard, and hindrances surrounded me. This psalm has often brought me comfort and taught me much about how to handle hard times. David ran toward God in the wilderness, not away from Him. He earnestly sought God. He yearned for God and he remembered times of praise and worship in the temple. In a wilderness time, it’s harder to “feel” God’s presence. We are suffering and suffering hurts. So, like David, we need to earnestly seek God in those times and not give up just because we are parched, and God feels far away. Also like David, we need to praise God even when we feel emptied and hollowed. David declares his decision and choice to praise God all his life, whether it’s going well or going poorly. He imagines himself in verse 7 as a small one nestled under the big strong wing of God Almighty, and he clings with all his might to God’s big hand that David, in faith, believes is right there for him to hold. When I am in the wilderness, this psalm reminds me to choose faith and trust. This psalm helps me hold on tight to God’s ever-present hand, and to nestle close under His strong wings. I hope it has blessed you, too, as you have read it today.

My verse: Psalm 63:1 “O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water.”

My response: Oh, how David loved You! When he felt far away from You, he “earnestly searched” for You. He wanted to be close to You at all times. I want to love You more and more like that! I want to “sing for joy in the shadow of your wings” (vs 7) just like him. Because God? You are also my God!! How thankful I am for that.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Candie Remick
    June 13, 2021 3:08 pm

    My verse is 8 from the NLT
    I cling to You; Your strong right hand holds me securely.
    Dear Father God, thank You for the assurance of
    knowing that I can trust You to hold me securely.
    I know as long as You have me, I don’t need to fear
    that Satan will get a hold on me. In Jesus’ name. Amen

    • Sharon Gamble
      June 13, 2021 10:53 pm

      It is so comforting, Candie, to know we are HELD. Yes!! And oh, let’s keep on clinging, too. Happy in knowing our Father’s got us and will not let us go! Love you. Sharon


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