If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. —1 John 1:9 NIV

One summer, I had a nasty fall off my bicycle. Ray had carefully instructed me, time and time again, to brake first with the right-hand brake and never the left-hand brake. He had even explained that the left-hand brake operated the front wheel, and, if I braked with that one alone, I would find myself flying over my bicycle handlebars. On top of that, a friend shared with me how she had lost two teeth braking with the left-hand brake. In short, I knew better.

As we turned a corner that day, I was holding a water bottle in my right hand, but I felt I was going too fast, so I braked with my left hand, totally oblivious to the multiple warnings I had received. The next thing I knew I was on the pavement with some horrific abrasions and considerable blood on my arm and leg. Nothing like an object lesson to cement ignored advice.

Well, we picked me up and knocked on the door of a nearby house. I knew all the sand and grit and dirt ground up inside my wounds had to come out to prevent infection. It was early on a Saturday morning, and, although it was the home of someone we knew, the owner did not recognize me in sunglasses and bike helmet and streaming with blood. To his everlasting credit, he let me in, thinking I was a stranger, and let me wash my arm and leg. It took a long time to scrub myself clean—and it hurt!

Sometimes confession is like that. We do something that is contrary to God’s Word, and we don’t particularly want to bring it to the Lord and confess because it’s raw and ugly and bleeding, and we know it will hurt when we confess it. On the other hand, to ignore sin and leave it is to invite infection and a much worse mess. If I hadn’t cleaned my cuts carefully, I would have opened the door to infection … infection that might have spread … even killed me.

We all know we have to get the dirt out. It’s the same with sin. As soon as we realize we have said or thought or done something wrong, we need to bring it to the Lord and be washed and cleansed. It might sting a little—or a lot—to confess that, once again, we have failed, but after the sting, comes the refreshment and peace of knowing all is clean and healthy and well again. We heal better when we don’t let sin fester.

Over time, I have learned to confess sin quickly. The more I get to know the great God who made all of us, the easier it becomes. He does not lecture me or rail against me angrily when I come, grinding the shame and fear even deeper. No. God always welcomes, always forgives, and always cleanses fully. I don’t want to let that dirt sit. I want it gone. How grateful I am for His cleansing power!

PS: Always brake with your right-hand brake first. Just sayin’.

Oh, Abba-Father, there could never be a more loving and patient Father than You, yearning to forgive and cleanse Your broken, dirty children. Forgive me when I justify sin. Forgive me when I excuse it and shy away from naming it. Help me to bring my messy self to You, fully confessing where I have failed. Cleanse me, Lord. Go deep and excise from me every ugly thing that keeps me from fully living as You intend. Thank You for the immeasurable gift of forgiveness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

You are loved,



Sweet Selah Ministries

To encourage a movement away from the belief that “busy is better”
and toward the truth that stillness and knowing God matter most—
and will be reflected in more effective work and service

To offer resources and retreats that help women pause (Selah)
and love God more deeply as they know Him more intimately (Sweet)

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