Year: 2023

June 26 – Isaiah 57

June 26 – Isaiah 57 What a contrast of readings we find in this chapter! We start with some philosophy about life and death, with Isaiah reminding us that when…

June 25 – Isaiah 55

Week Five Introduction to Week Five How is it nearly the end of June, already? Have you stuck with this study this far? Well done. We’ve studied some rich passages…

June 24 – Isaiah 53

June 24 – Isaiah 53 I can’t even read this chapter without tears in my eyes. It’s the most incredible description of our suffering Savior I’ve ever read anywhere. Nothing…

June 23 – Isaiah 52

June 23 – Isaiah 52 Our reading for the next two days really feels like one piece. In fact, in my Bible, the words The LORD’s Suffering Servant are placed…

June 22 – Isaiah 50

June 22 – Isaiah 50 Isaiah 50 is a short little chapter. Surprise! Only 11 verses to read, today. God does not weary of telling His children He loves them…

June 21 – Isaiah 49

June 21 – Isaiah 49 This beautiful chapter mixes some prophecy concerning Jesus, coming Messiah, and prophecy about the return from exile of the Jewish people to their homeland. I…

June 20 – Isaiah 43

June 20 – Isaiah 43 What a unique mix of God’s love and frustration in this chapter. Both are captured so beautifully by Isaiah. Yes, God still loves His people.…

A Little Request for Help

We love giving you free online studies. We are grateful when you give back a wee bit to help us run this ministry and programs like our online studies. Honestly,…

June 19 – Isaiah 42

June 19 – Isaiah 42 The header in my Bible for Chapter 42 is “The LORD’s Chosen Servant.” Isaiah is turning a corner here, and focusing on Jesus, the coming…

The Scent of Devotion

And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came, having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard.…