Year: 2023

People Are Funny, Honey

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. –Psalm 34:18 NIV For many years, I was my father-in-law’s caregiver. Toward the end of…

Day 6- Ruth 2:14-23

Day 6 – Ruth 2:14-23 Opening Prayer: Abba, Father, may I be satisfied with You as I eat the bread of life and drink Your living water.  Read: Ruth 2:14-23…

Day 5- Ruth 2:1-13

Day 5 – Ruth 2:1-13 Opening Prayer: Father, help me to see the things that “just so happen” as providential. You are always working in the lives of your children!…

Day 4- Ruth 1:14-22

Day 4 – Ruth 1:14-22  Opening Prayer: Father, make me a loyal follower of Christ. Give me the same heart for Jesus that Ruth had for Naomi. Read: Ruth 1:14-22…

Day 3- Ruth 1:6-13

Day 3 – Ruth 1:6-13 Opening Prayer: Father, when I am grief-stricken, teach me to return to you. Thank you for making a way, even in our darkest days. Read:…

Day 2- Ruth 1:1-5

Day 2- Ruth 1:1-5 Opening Prayer: Father, help us to see your hand in suffering as we read about Naomi’s loss.  Read: Ruth 1:1-5 In your 4R journal: Record: After…

Day 1- Ruth 1-4

Day 1 – Ruth 1-4 Opening Prayer: Lord, please bless my time in Your Word today. Reveal Your truth and draw me closer to You. Are you ready for an…

Introduction to Our Study

Introduction: The first time I seriously studied the book of Ruth I realized that God’s love for me was much greater than I previously understood. Not surprisingly, Ruth also became…

Living Love: Love Is Kind

February Series: Living Love Musing 4 of 4 – Love Is Kind   But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of…

Living Love: Unfailing Love

February Series: Living Love Musing 3 of 4 – Unfailing Love   “Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease;…

Living Love: God Is Love

February Series: Living Love Musing 2 of 4 – God Is Love   … God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. —1 John…