Year: 2022

Day Twelve – Ruth 3:10-18

Day 12 – Ruth 3:10-18 Now we get to hear Boaz’s response to Ruth’s rather unorthodox proposal. It’s a resounding YES isn’t it? And he’s a quick thinker. He realizes…

Day Eleven – Ruth 3:1-9

Day 11 – Ruth 3:1-9 We now come to the part of Ruth’s story that is most surprising. Can you even imagine this? Boaz, sound asleep in the grainery, after…

Day Ten – Ruth 2:14-23

Day 10 – Ruth 2:14-23 Well, I love a good love story and right here we start to see the love! Boaz not only notices Ruth, he pays special attention…

Day Nine – Ruth 2:1-13

Day 9 – Ruth 2:1-13 I was struck by a simple phrase in today’s reading. It’s found in Ruth 2:3. “So Ruth went out to gather grain behind the harvesters.…

No Service!

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” —John…

Intro to Week Two Video

Sharon’s Video Chat for Week One and Introduction to Week Two [smartvideo src=”″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ responsive=true controls=true]

Day Eight – Ruth 1:14-22

Day 8 – Ruth 1:14-22 So far, the story has been about Naomi. Today, we get to know Ruth. She has a choice to make. Orpah, her fellow sister-in-law, is…

Day Seven – Ruth 1:1-13

Day 7 – Ruth 1:1-13 The book of Ruth is primarily told through Naomi’s perspective, the widow who lost not only her husband but also her only two children, her…

Day Six – Judges 2:6-23

Day 6 – Judges 2:6-23 Today, we come to the time in history when Ruth lived. The book of Ruth begins with these words: “In the days when the judges…

Day Five – Deuteronomy 31:19-21; 32:1-18

Day 5 – Deuteronomy 31:19-21; 32:1-18 I have a question for you. Do songs stick in your head? Can you remember lyrics and choruses from popular tunes of the past?…

Day Four – Genesis 19:12-38

Day 4 – Genesis 19:12-38 This, to me, is one of the most disturbing passages in the entire Bible. If Lot and his daughters and wife were the “best” people…