Year: 2022

Day Twenty-Eight – Romans 8:26-38

Day 28 – Romans 8:26-38 How can we be on our last day? Here in New Hampshire, we started May still cold and still pretty much leaf-less. We end May…

Day Twenty-Seven – Romans 8:

Day 27 – Romans 8:1-25 What I love about this first part of Romans 8 is that it basically summarizes our month together. If you can, read this in the…

Day Twenty-Six – Luke 15:20-32

Day 26 – Luke 15:20-32 This story. Those two sons. Oy. The bad son, who wants his father’s money before his father even dies and then wastes it all, is…

Day Twenty-Five – Luke 15:1-19

Day 25 – Luke 15:1-19 Let’s look at the first three verses of this amazing chapter in the Bible to get the context firmly fixed in our minds:  “Tax collectors…

Donation Request

  Thank you to the silent ones who always send us a small donation when they take an online Bible Study course. We are so grateful that we can offer…

Day Twenty-Four – Jeremiah 31:23-40

Day 24 – Jeremiah 31:23-40 Did you notice the mention of the “new covenant” in this section of Jeremiah? That part’s happened! In the Old Testament, people had to obey…

Praying Tired

And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your…

Day Twenty-Three – Jeremiah 31:1-22

Day 23 – Jeremiah 31:1-22 Today we see the verse I mentioned in the introduction to our study in context. God loves His people with an everlasting, steadfast love and…

Day Twenty-Two – Isaiah 61

Day 22 – Isaiah 61 We are going to start our commentary today by reading a passage about Jesus in a synagogue from Luke 4:16-21. It has direct bearing on…

Video Chat from Sharon ending Week 3 and starting Week 4

Only one week left. Can you believe it? Hope this video chat prepares you for our last week together. [smartvideo src=”″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ responsive=true controls=true]