Year: 2022

Day Four

LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week One Day Four. January 13. Acts 14:1-20 Wow. I don’t know about you, but this missionary business isn’t sounding fun anymore. Paul and Barnabas basically…

Day Three

LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week One Day Three. January 12. Acts 13:32-52 So. Paul and Barnabas met huge success and huge opposition at their first stop in Galatia. Paul’s first…

Day Two

LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week One Day Two. January 11. Acts 13:13-31 I love how Paul and Barnabas began. They began by doing what they did every week. They attended…


Silhouette of six young women, walking hand in hand THE 21 DAY CHALLENGE We love to help you reach the worthy goal of developing a daily rhythm of meeting with…

Old Life, New Life

In reference to your former way of life, you are to rid yourselves of the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that…

Introduction and Day One

LIVE FREE – Galatians Week One Introduction to Week One Acts 13-16:10 Welcome to our study. You might be scratching your head a bit. This is a study on the…

Introduction to Week One Video

Hello friend. It’s Sunday night and our Bible Study starts in the morning. Please enjoy this short video which will prepare you for all we are about to learn and…

What’s Your Plan?

Have you found your spot yet? Where are you going to meet with God for this study? Wherever that is … your bedroom closet, hiding from the world or your…

Our 4 R Method of Study

Here’s a quick reminder on how we do our Bible Studies. And … if you need a longer reminder … enjoy the 10 minute video below as Sharon explains our…