Year: 2022

Day Thirteen

LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week Two Day Thirteen. January 22. Galatians 3:1-14 Today we come to the heart of Paul’s message about our need to cling to grace and walk…

Day Twelve

LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week Two Day Twelve. January 21. Galatians 2:11-21 This passage of scripture has two points of particular interest to me. First, of course, is Peter’s people-pleasing…

Day Eleven

LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week Two Day Eleven. January 20. Acts 11:1-18 Surprise! We are back in Acts for one brief day. We need some back story here, in order…

Day Ten

LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week Two Day Ten. January 19. Galatians 2:1-10 After Paul establishes his unique taught-by-Christ-Himself credentials, he does also mention that Peter, James and John, the leaders…

Day Nine

LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week Two Day Nine. January 18. Galatians 1:11-24 This is such a profoundly unique tale. Paul, like the disciples who followed Jesus on earth, was also…

When Resolutions Fizzle

“Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new…

Day Eight

LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week Two Day Eight. January 17. Galatians 1:1-10 Our reading of the letter Paul wrote to the churches in Galatia has finally begun. Remember, Paul is…

Introduction to Week Two Video

It’s finally time to actually study Galatians, friend. Please watch this little video so you are fully prepared for tomorrow’s work. [smartvideo src=”″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ responsive=true controls=true]

Day Seven

LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week One Day Seven. January 16. Acts 15:30-41; 16:1-10 Our last reading in Acts has three main parts to it. Our first part is such a…

Day Six

LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week One Day Six. January 15. Acts 15:1-29 Today we enter into new territory. Scholars believe that the letter to the Galatians was written sometime during…

Day Five

LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week One Day Five. January 14. Acts 14:21-28 In this reading, we get to see the completion of this first missionary trip to Galatia as Paul…