Year: 2021

Week Four Introduction Video

Are you ready for Week Four? Enjoy the introduction, friend, and May God bless you as you study this week! [smartvideo src=”″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ responsive=true controls=true]

June 20. Luke 1:39-80

June 20. Luke 1:39-80 We moved forward to the gospel of Luke today but backwards in time. Today we got to enter into the joy and wonder of two people…

June 19. Matthew 5

June 19. Matthew 5 Well, what did you think of our sojourn in the Old Testament, perusing parts of scripture that particularly sing with imagery or are rich in worship…

June 18. Habakkuk 3

June 18. Habakkuk 3 We stepped back in time when we read our passage today. Habakkuk wrote not too long before the invasion of Jerusalem by the Babylonians who took…

June 17. Daniel 9:1-23

June 17. Daniel 9:1-23 Daniel has got to be one of my very favorite heroes of the faith. Let’s just review what happened to him. He was most likely a…

Surprise Bonus Video with News and a Question

Hello Bible Study friends, Please listen in as Sharon shares some news with you, asks for prayer, and more. Thanks. [smartvideo src=”″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ responsive=true controls=true]

June 16. Isaiah 55

June 16. Isaiah 55 Isaiah had a special calling from God to speak to God’s people about their lack of love and devotion to Him. When Isaiah wrote, the Kingdom…

June 15. Psalm 100

June 15. Psalm 100 Such a simple psalm. Only five verses. However, Such Verses!! What a call to worship and adore. I love this psalm. Let’s unpack its message verse…

June 14. Psalm 91

June 14. Psalm 91 Today, we get to explore the psalm that holds our key verse at Sweet Selah Ministries. We chose Psalm 91:4 to describe our mission and vision…

Bumper Crop

Today’s Musing is from Marlene McKenna. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so you may overflow with hope by…

Week Three Introduction video

It’s time to look at Week Three. Pour yourself a cup of somethin’ and curl up in your favorite chair and listen as Sharon shares the highlights of the week…