Year: 2021

June 28. Hebrews 11

June 28.  Hebrews 11 This might just be the longest passage you have been asked to read. Just as I Corinthians 13 had a singular theme—LOVE—Hebrews also has a theme:…

Look and See!

Note: This is our last Musing until August 2, 2021. Sweet Selah Ministries is founded on the belief that humans were created with a need for meaningful work, but also…

Week Five Introduction Video

Just three days left to our study. What will you be studying next? DO let me know. I’d love to hear from you. You can comment below or email me:…

June 27. Colossians 1

June 27. Colossians 1 This great chapter in the Bible contains more lessons in prayer and one of the richest descriptions of Jesus ever written. Paul wrote to the Colossians…

June 26. Ephesians 1:15-23, 3:14-21

June 26. Ephesians 1:15-23, 3:14-21 These two prayers in Ephesians are so helpful to me as I pray for my beloveds. Have you noticed how little Paul prays for those…

June 25. I Corinthians 13

June 25. I Corinthians 13 If you are looking to memorize a chapter in the Bible, you might consider this one. I can’t tell you how many times just these…

June 24. Romans 8

June 24.  Romans 8 Paul’s letter to the Romans is one of the most theologically rich chapters of the Bible. Romans 8 in my Bible has SO many highlighted verses!…

June 23. John 17

June 23. John 17 One of the most stunning prayers in the Bible is this one, where Jesus prays for you and me. John 17:20 unfolds this amazing part of…

June 22. John 1

June 22. John 1 I love the way John starts his gospel by writing in similar style to the way Genesis begins. If you are one of the millions of…

June 21. Luke 11:1-13

June 21. Luke 11:1-13 This is one packed little portion of scripture! Let’s start with the first verse where “Jesus was in a certain place praying.” I wonder where that…

The Right To Be

Today’s Musing is from Donna Perkins. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His Name.…