Year: 2020

June 23

June 23. I Peter 4:1-11 GRACE LESSONS: I wonder what type of physical pain Peter is referring to in verse 1 of this chapter. If this was the time of…

June 22

June 22. I Peter 3:13-22 GRACE LESSONS: Peter can’t seem to write more than a few sentences without returning to the central message of the gospel. In verse 18 of…

But What Should I Do?

He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your…

June 21

June 21. I Peter 3:1-12 GRACE LESSONS: Peter continues to emphasize living a grace-filled life in Chapter 3. When we “give grace” to another, we are bestowing underserved pardon or…

June 20

June 20. I Peter 2:13-25 GRACE LESSONS: In verses 22-25, Peter recounts the ultimate example of grace given. Jesus never sinned and yet “He personally carried our sins in his…

June 19

June 19. I Peter 2:1-12 GRACE LESSONS: I love the way Peter guards God’s flock. It’s clear he cares for them. He uses Old Testament scriptures liberally in this section…

June 18

June 18. I Peter 1:13-25 GRACE LESSONS: When we read verses 18-20 in this passage we are reminded in a new way of God’s grace. Peter uses the word “ransom”…

June 17

June 17. I Peter 1:1-12 GRACE LESSONS: Right at the beginning of his letter, Peter mentions grace. Did you notice? “May God give you more and more grace and peace,”…

June 16

June 16. Acts 12:1-16 GRACE LESSONS: That story of the unbelieving but totally earnest prayer meeting is SO funny! The fact that it became well-known and told to Luke is…