Year: 2020

God-Focused Prayer. Look Up.

Four-part series: Pursuing an Effective Personal Prayer Life. Our foundational goal here at Sweet Selah Ministries is to encourage daily quiet times with God. We are all about the sweetness…

Seeking Jesus Day Six – Mark 3:20-35

Here we are on Week Two, friends! This week will be a full 7 days of exciting highlights in Jesus busy ministry of serving the people God puts in His…

Video Thoughts on Mark 1-3:7

Let’s chat. What have you learned about Jesus so far in your studies? Have a listen as Sharon shares and then add your own thoughts in the comments below!

Seeking Jesus Day Five – Mark 3:1-19

Well, look at YOU! You’ve finished our abbreviated Week One of this study. Well done! I’ve been collecting thoughts and notes on Jesus this first week. Watch later today for…

Seeking Jesus Day Four – Mark 2:18-28

Hello dear ones! How is the study going for you? I hope that you are enjoying the comments here on this page, and that God is speaking to you personally…

Seeking Jesus Day Three – Mark 2:1-17

How are your readings going, friend? I hope every day is one of discovery as you seek to know Jesus better. Today, I was fascinated by how Jesus gave the…

Seeking Jesus Day Two – Mark 1:21-45

Well. I’ll tell you one thing that stands out to me in this second reading in Mark. Jesus was busy! He taught in the synagogues and healed the sick and…

Seeking Jesus Day One – Mark 1:1-20

Hello dear fellow adventurer!  How was your reading time this morning? Were you able to read the passage uninterrupted? Or … did you struggle with various and sundry family members’…


“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that…

Week One Readings

Here are your Week One readings. Are you ready to begin this Tuesday, October 20, 2020?!! You can also download all the reading assignments from our main page. Can’t wait…