June 8. John 18:1-27; Matthew 26:75 GRACE LESSONS: We start Week Two exploring the hardest three days of Peter’s life, I suspect. This pivotal moment in history has affected every…
Well hello friends! How has your first week gone? Has God given you new insights to ponder? I hope finding a treasured verse each day has brought you moments of…
June 7. Matthew 26:31-46 GRACE LESSONS: Oh what an example of the grace of God is shown in this passage. Jesus humbly asks for help of His disciples and especially…
June 6. John 13:1-17 GRACE LESSONS: It’s amazing to me how often Peter interferes with Jesus’ lessons. And yet, Jesus extends him grace time and time again, patiently teaching Peter…
June 5. Matthew 17:1-13 GRACE LESSONS: I can’t even imagine what it must have been like on that mountain top. Jesus suddenly transformed into this being of light and brightness…
June 4. Matthew 16:13-28 GRACE LESSONS: Poor Peter. In the same passage of scripture he goes from being praised by Jesus for his declaration that Jesus is the Messiah to…
June 2. Matthew 8:14-22; I Corinthians 9:5 GRACE LESSONS: When Peter heard the call to follow Christ, it seems like he did not know what it would involve. He just…
June 1. Matthew 4:1-22 GRACE LESSON: We meet Peter in this passage, just doing his job. A blue collar non-student. He’s fishing, like he does every day. Yet he along…
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. —Romans 8:1 NLT I read the email with a rising dread and despair within. Yet another friend with…