Month: November 2020

Seeking Jesus Day Nineteen – Mark 10:1-31

It’s all about relationships today, friends. Jesus talks first about divorce, a painful topic in every century. Divorce often happens because of a heart that hardens, doesn’t it? One or…

Seeking Jesus Day Eighteen – Mark 9:30-50

I’d like to examine Mark 9:30-31a for a moment. Let’s read it:  “Leaving that region, they traveled through Galilee. Jesus didn’t want anyone to know he was there, for he wanted to…

Seeking Jesus Day Fifteen – Mark 8:1-21

Had you realized that Jesus fed large crowds more than once? Mark records two such incidents not that far apart from each other. And yet, even though the disciples had…

Can You Help Us?

Dear fellow student of God’s Word, We hope this study is blessing you and drawing you ever closer to the Lord Jesus! We are so glad we can offer these…

Seeking Jesus Day Fourteen – Mark 7:24-37

Well. Did you struggle a bit with the conversation between Jesus and the Gentile woman? Let’s talk about this for a little bit. First of all, let’s recall how very…

Self-focused Prayer. Look Within.

Four-part series: Pursuing an Effective Personal Prayer Life. Our foundational goal here at Sweet Selah Ministries is to encourage daily quiet times with God. We are all about the sweetness…