Year: 2019

June 28 Notes

June 28. Ecclesiastes 12. Dear fellow student of God’s Word, we have reached the end of this study together and I hope He has spoken to you in powerful and…

June 27 Notes

June 27. Ecclesiastes 5. You should see all my underlinings in this chapter. My oh my there were a lot of poignant verses in chapter 5. I hope you found…

June 26 Notes

June 26. Ecclesiastes 4. How are you doing? I hope you have been steadfast in meeting with the Lord each day. I hope that if you haven’t been … you…

June 25 Notes

June 25. Ecclesiastes 3. Oh, there are some GREAT passages in Ecclesiastes 3. I hope you were able to read slowly and savor and ponder this amazing little chapter! I…

June 24 Notes

June 24. Ecclesiastes 1. As I read a bit about Ecclesiastes, I discovered that most scholars think it was written by Solomon in his old age. It certainly is a…

Slow Down

This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have…

June 23 Notes

June 23. I Kings 11;1-13, 41-43 And now we come to the end of Solomon’s life and his fall from worshiping the one true God only. Deep Sigh. I doubt…

June 22 Notes

June 22. I Kings 10:1-27 It’s hard to believe, but this is our last weekend in our study. We will finish next Friday, June 28th. So, let’s look at Solomon…

June 21 Notes

June 21. Song of Songs 8. And now for one more look at this love poem. This book is short enough that I suspect many of you read the whole…

GET SMART – Week Four

Can you believe we are almost at the end of our study? We have one more reading in Week Three, and then we start Week Four on Saturday, studying Solomon’s…

June 20 Notes

June 20. Song of Songs 2. Well, dear one, we have now left Proverbs behind. We will read just two chapters from Solomon’s poem to his beloved wife. Here are…

June 19 Notes

June 19. Proverbs 31. Hey everyone, how do you feel about the Proverbs 31 woman? Does she exhaust you? Encourage you? Inspire you? Irritate you? I love that she is…