Year: 2018

Psalm 84

Today’s psalm is all about the longing to be near the living God. I love the yearning in it. I love the JOY that is shown when God is called…

Psalm 77

Oh, I just had the sweetest time with the Lord as I studied Psalm 77. I’ve shared in the video how this psalm progresses from depression to a turning of…

Psalm 66

This magnificent psalm teaches us so much about worship. It brings us from the BIG picture of the whole earth praising God to the picture of tiny little … us.…

Abba, Father

For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship.  And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”  (Romans…

Habakkuk 3:11-19

This passage contains some of the most beautiful words of complete trust in God ever penned. Our frustrated, doubting, puzzled prophet has changed after his encounter with his God. Oh,…

Habakkuk 3:1-10

Happy Saturday!! We get to read the conclusion in Habakkuk, today and tomorrow. And what a marvelous conclusion it is! Listen to the video to hear my thoughts, and then…

Psalm 62

OH … you just can’t trust some people. That’s David’s message in our psalm, today. However, you CAN always trust God. Enjoy my little video commentary below, dear ones, and…

Your Readings for Week Three

Can you believe it? You have met with God for 14 days, now. Let’s do one more week together, studying the passages of Scripture that include that little word, “selah.”…

Psalm 57

Congratulations!!  You have just finished TWO WEEKS of meeting with God. I hope you are finding it rich and satisfying to spend time with Him each day, and my prayer…

Psalm 52

Hello dear ones, Today’s psalm is based on a story that you can read in I Samuel, chapters 21 and 22. It’s NOT a nice story. It’s horrid and sad…

Psalm 49

Ever struggled with envy over someone else’s comparative wealth? Ever been fearful of powerful, evil men in charge of countries? Well then. Just read this Psalm. It sets the record…

Psalm 46

Psalm 46 is a favorite of mine. I remember what a comfort it was to me in 2001 when the World Trade Center’s towers came down. The reassurance that no…